Forte Digital enters strategic partnership with ImmuniWeb

Kim Borgeteien
This partnership will reduce the complexity and cost of our clients application security, says Kim Borgeteien, Head of Cybersecurity at Forte Digital.

Today we are announcing a partnership with ImmuniWeb enabling Forte to leverage their award-winning Machine Learning technology to accelerate enhancing web penetration testing.

– At Forte Digital we believe in partnering for strength to ensure we quickly can start adding value to our clients. This partnership will provide necessary context for our clients, enabling them to act and prioritize clearly on what matters the most and improve software quality, says Borgeteien.

This partnership enables Forte Digital to offer a range of security services at a lower cost, with reduced complexity providing consistent risk-based and threat-aware reporting, with the ability to fully integrate our services into the continuous integration/continuous deployment pipeline.

Improving Cybersecurity

Our combined services allow us to offer testing capabilities ranging from low complexity to high, where Human Intelligence will be responsible for the most complicated application and adding customer context.

– Our customers expect us to solve problems with clear, accurate to-the-point advice on how to improve their Cybersecurity hygiene as well as maintaining it, monitoring it and measuring maturity over time. Leveraging ImmuniWeb´s capabilities with Fortes application development expertise, enables us to deliver on that promise – solving customer problems, says Borgeteien.

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